Rescue Task Force is a program of Life Charities, Inc. An IRS recognized 501(c)(3) charity.

EIN 27-3504467

Around the World, Around the Clock:

Serving since 1988, RESCUE TASK FORCE is a global 9-1-1 VOLUNTEER disaster relief organization.

Rescue Task Force medical teams respond to areas which have never had outside contact. We build and equip regional medical clinics in deep jungle communities and provide villagers with safe water.

Rescue Task Force volunteer teams respond to natural and man-made disasters in conflictive zones - providing relief to victims of combat and refugees of war.

Rescue Task Force teams have delivered over $87 million in donated relief and supplies to Central America, Mexico, Cambodia and Haiti.

Rescue Task Forcehas built three full service medical clinics in the jungles of Honduras’ Miskito Coast.

Domestically, RESCUE TASK FORCE is a first responder to regional fires and hurricanes.

RESCUE TASK FORCE goes to where others do not, to do what others will not.

Current RTF Report

Our Projects:

Medical ClinicsClean WaterDisaster Response


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Donation Information:

Our Sponsors

The work of Rescue Task Force is made possible by the generous Donations of our individual supporters. RTF is also blessed with the support of many business sponsors. RTF’s monthly corporate sponsors and special business donors contribute both financially and with money saving products and services.

Our Mission Statement:

Rescue Task Force is an agile and innovative non-profit organization whose mission is to alleviate suffering and provide developmental aid to those who have been marginalized by geography or economic deprivation.

We often go where others do not, to help those who are outside the scope of conventional relief providers.

We also respond rapidly with medical and other immediate aid to victims of man-made and natural disasters world-wide.

Rescue Task Force projects are made possible by the contributions of our supporters to whom we are fully accountable.

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